quarta-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2011


Hi teachers and colleagues,
Let me begin my participation in the fifth semester of the Degree Course wishing them all success in your endeavors and we have the courage to complete our course to obtain this long-awaited degree in History.
As our proposal above on our participation in this forum, where the teacher asks Wesley to "not use reviews of personal touch, but rather grounded in theoretical arguments, or use in its exhibitions authors recognized in academia. " I admit I have difficulty doing something as much as another. For even with intellectual limitations, no entity is not special, I greatly appreciate MY OPINION, what I think today's law of physics for me, if I think tomorrow I think different than today, then I think tomorrow will be the NEW DISCOVERY SCIENCE. Such "authors recognized academically, are viewed me with suspicion.

In 1950, the English scientist and philosopher Antony Flew "recognized in the academic" theology criticized as forgery, was vehement defender of evolutionary theory. In 1986 self styled himself as "the highest critical of Theism" (doctrinal-philosophical system which believes in a personal Supreme Being). But in 2004 he shocked the world "scholar" to conclude, after half a century of study of biology, that God exists and that the theory of evolution is useless to explain the variety of species.
Ladies and gentlemen, in biology, the controversies are endless, but she is still STORY, why not "SEE THE STORY, " we know only by documents, oral traditions, iconography and other means that reflect what probably happened in the past. More controversial still makes HISTORY when we have to interpret because a king has fallen, because that army won that war, the motives that led close past the leaders to take this or that position. Frankly I do not grant any EMINENCE to think and opine for me. If you happen to miss the Way wrong with my bare legs (or head).
I now speak of the difference between the French Revolution and the English Revolution. According to Michel Baridon (1) these differences in views between the British and French urban planning was reflected in their respective cities. While the French created a public space such as parks and the preservation of national memory through museums and monuments, the English, focusing on economic and industrial growth, turned their cities into industrial parks, with railroads and the rapid expansion of urban areas.

The English have changed radically and rapidly to their social structure by breaking ties with the agrarian economy and craft, leaping ahead of all other nations in this race for progress. English This development has considerably changed the means of transport to the railways for freight transport, maritime commercial expansion and the rise of capitalism with the establishment of banks. (2)
The French Revolution, unlike the English Revolution, is an ideological and political disruption. The French between 1789 and 1799, during which the revolution was in motion, brought an end to the monarchy and changes in social relations. (3) The four periods of the French Revolution were political: The Constituent Assembly that gave the first constitution of the Kingdom of France, the brief period of the Legislative Assembly came after the National Convention of the Board (4).

The French Revolution was essentially an economic motivation. The public finances were in the process of bankruptcy and King Louis XVI decided to raise taxes to revive the economy, causing public anger, especially with the nobleman who opposed tax reforms. Several intrpretações are presented on the causes of the Revolution: Maistre Burke plot points to the Masonic Lodge (Conservative Interpretation). Sicyés Miraeau defended the Liberal Interpretation, claiming that the ideals of freedom and combating inequality fueled the revolution. The School believes that the Marxist class struggle in search of a change in the economic and social structure was the generator of the Revolution. Other interpretations have emerged over time as the current revisionist. The people who say that by demographic factors influenced the French Revolution, due to the rejuvenation of the population at the time longed for new perspectives. (5).

In my analysis, almost always a set of circumstances promote social change and revolution. Each case has its typical characteristics. The technology has changed English society is similar in its nature and essence of information technology that has promoted changes in modern society of the XXI century. The views of parents, teachers and older no longer have the value of centuries past, because now the media provides us with information of every kind and quality.

interests of certain groups who are alienated from power too often encourage people in the Revolution to overthrow a regime and promote themselves. Human history is a quest for power, men appear each generation willing to take dominion over their neighbors and they do it through wars, mergers, agreements, revolution, intrigue, forfeitures, advertisements, shopping, lies, and votes persuasions. Mankind will always use a flag ideological or politically correct to promote their endless revolutions and inefficient in their race to eternal failure.

(1) http://patrimoine.saline.free.fr/baridon.htm
(2) http://histoirefrance.e-monsite.com/rubrique,la-revolution-industrielle,301421.html
(3) http://www.universalis.fr/encyclopedie/revolution-francaise/
(4) http://revolution.1789.free.fr/Cadre-page-0.htm
(5) http://thales.cica.es/rd/Recursos/rd99/ed99-0257-01/indiceh.html