Neste video o escriba Valdemir Mota de Menezes está conversando com um soldado brasileiro que esteve em missão no Haiti. Ele fala das mortes dos seus colegas no grande terremoto que assolou aquele país, fala da diferença de equipamento edo exército brasileiro em comparação com o exército americano. Este soldado disse que após voltar da missão de Paz, ficou com sequelas e precis atomar remédios psicotrópicos para dormir.
In this video the scribe Valdemir Mota de Menezes is talking to a Brazilian soldier who was on mission in Haiti. He talks about the deaths of their colleagues in the great earthquake that devastated that country, speaks of the difference in equipment and the Brazilian Army in comparison with the U.S. Army. This soldier said that after returning from a peace mission, was left with sequelae and need to take psychotropic drugs to sleep. (audio in portuguese)
This site is an analysis of the failure of human government upon the earth. This site show evidence that men are unable to rule the planet with Justice. The corruption of human nature makes all political systems a total failure: Not good democracy, monarchy, theocracy, parliamentary, presidential, republican. This site is my manifesto for hope in the future kingdom of the Messiah, Jesus will return and rule the world with justice. (By scribe Valdemir Mota de Menezes)